January 9, 2025

Based on many Democrats opinion that President Joe Biden’s performance in the Presidential Debate on Thursday, June 27th, was a disaster for him, one Kansas candidate is calling for Biden to suspend his campaign for reelection. Former Congresswoman and current 2nd Congressional District Candidate, Republican Nancy Boyda, says that she speaks for all Kansans, Democrats and civically minded people, calling for Biden to retire at the end of his term. Boyda says it is imperative the Democratic party have a candidate that can defeat Donald Trump in the upcoming election, and Biden isn’t the one to do it.

Boyda, known for her independent voice and often taking positions against her party’s position, says she is publicly stating what other are talking about behind the scenes. She adds that she appreciates all Biden has done for the country, but a great leader knows when it is time to pass the torch and step back to allow a new generation a path forward, adding, it’s time for President Biden to do just that.

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