January 9, 2025

The Do Gooder Person of the Week has been awarded to Match Support Supervisor for Kansas Big Brothers Big Sisters, Patricia Hutton. She was nominated by Sarah Stauffer, saying she “is such a key in helping make matches with bigs & littles many times. This is a major highlight and life changing event for kids in our community.” Patricia attended Ottawa University and majored in Human Services, she graduated in 2010 and worked in the mental health field until deciding she wanted to work more on the “front end” to help kids through adversity. She wanted “to help them not repeat the same cycles they were living in.” Patricia joined Big Brothers, Big Sisters in 2016. Patricia says what she liked best about her job were the match meetings, where the “bigs”, volunteers 18 years and older and “littles”, ages 5 to 17, meet for the first time.

She and her husband, Brian have been married for 14 years and have a nine-year-old son. Patricia said her goal for this year, for Franklin County, is to have 12 new matches.

If interested in learning more about the program, give us a call at KOFO and we’ll put you in touch with the right people. Thank you, Patricia for your dedication to serve all the families involved in this program! In being the Do Gooder of the week, she has been awarded two dozen Daylight Donuts from Betty Birzer, as an unsung hero in investing in Ottawa. Congratulations Patricia.

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