January 9, 2025

Flooding has created a problem at Melvern Lake. Raw sewage made its way into the lake, and some creeks surrounding the lake, after extreme flooding. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment issued stream advisories for Hill Creek, 142 Creek, Elm Creek and the Northwestern Junction of Melvern Lake near Allen in Osage County. This advisory is a result of raw sewage releasing from Allen’s Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Health officials believe potential elevated bacteria and contaminants may be present in Hill Creek, 142 Creek, Elm Creek and the northwestern confluence of Melvern Lake. KDHE urges residents living or taking part in activities near these waterways to not enter the water or let children or pets into the water. KDHE announced in the news release, it will rescind the advisory after plant operations are repaired and bacteria testing shows primary contact, like swimming, is deemed “safe”.

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