January 9, 2025

The Kansas Highway Patrol has released their annual Independence Day Holiday Activity Report. The report covers from July 3rd through the 7th. All reports indicate a very safe holiday weekend for Kansas motorists. Numbers were down in every category. DUI arrests down significantly. Only 16 this year, compared to 31 a year ago, also down, speeding citations, seat belt citations, and motorist assists. Also, for the third year in a row, there were no DUI related fatality crashes, and for the first time in several years, no fatality crashes at all during the long holiday weekend.

KHP officials say public education and enforcement campaigns are working as intended and people are being much more cautious on the road, especially during holiday seasons when there are many more people sharing the road. The patrol has been emphasizing the Drive To Zero Campaign, focused on reducing injuries and fatalities on the states roadways.

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