January 7, 2025

An interesting item discussed at the anderson county commission meeting recently. Steve Prasco, of Advantage Computer met with commissioners and talked about a possible solution to the Veterans Memorial screens. He would like to replace the current screens with computers and plexiglas while venting the areas sufficiently. The screens will run the veterans names on a scroll instead of being a touch screen. Commissioners asked that the item be tables until all the commissioners were present. Commissioner Pracht was not in attendance at the meeting.

Also discussed, Road and Bridge Supervisor Ethan Licktieg talked about county roads and the commissioners mentioned that they need to be maintained. Licktieg told them a bridge top is getting replaced soon on Utah to between 1100 and 1500 roads. The Anderson County Commission meets every Monday at 9 in the morning. All meeting are open to the public. If you would like to speak to the commissioners, please call the Anderson County Courthouse to reserve a time on the agenda.

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