January 4, 2025

Move over, movies like Cocaine Bear, Methgator, Crack-coon and Cocaine Crabs from outer space and make room for Cocaine Sharks! Scientists in Brazil say most sharks captured off the Brazilian Coast test positive for cocaine. The cocaine was found in levels three times higher in the muscle than in the liver, with females having more cocaine in their systems than males. The drug is coming from sewage that is produced by the drug’s users, as well as the illegal drug labs that produce cocaine. And possible cocaine that is accidentally or purposefully dropped in the water.

The DONT don’t know if cocaine affects the brains of sharks because the research has not been done, but cocaine targets the brain and hyperactive and erratic behavior have been noted in other animals, and shark attacks are on the rise. They also believe that the animals sharks feed on are likely to also be contaminated by cocaine. By the way, Cocaine Shark is actually a new movie.