Feral hogs are a problem in Oklahoma, feral cats a problem in Ottawa , and pretty much everywhere, feral goats in Colorado, feral rabbits in New Hampshire. Now feral chickens are becoming a problem in an odd place…Key West, Florida. There are so many, the city commission has declared them out of hand and taking steps to curp their population. Now, not the steps that would make sense to you and me. They want to issue tickets and fines to tourist, who are feeding the chickens popcorn, french fries and other tasty snacks. Are there not chicken farms in Florida you could take them to?
Now, I have a better idea, how about a big sack of corn and a little food cart. You entice the birds in, grab them as they eat, clean and pluck them into a trash can, rinse them, cut em up, bread the pieces and throw them into a fryer and…wah-lah! Fried feral fowl! Now, folks, the words “feral” and “chicken” should not go together. Notice this has never been a problem here in the midwest, where we like our fried chicken and have the common sense to solve problems like this logically instead of fining people for feeding the animals.