December 27, 2024

In just over a month the existing, but extended farm bill is set to expire and the United States Congress is having trouble hammering out a new one. What’s the hold up? One of the primary issue yet to be resolved is effective reference prices of farm safety net programs. Things like agriculture risk coverage, and price loss coverage. Yesterday, AG Secretary Tom Vilsack spoke at the Farm Progress show in Iowa. He said he believes the issues stem from regional differences regarding commodities…

Vilsack says he believes practical considerations regarding this and other issues is needed in order to pass a new farm bill in congress.

Kansas Senator Jerry Moran says although he is frustrated by the slow pace f the new farm bill, many parts of it do exactly what farmers in Kansas and throughout the country have asked for: it puts more farm in the farm bill by bolstering crop insurance, modernizing the farm safety net, expanding market access and development programs, maintaining locally led conservation programs and investing in our rural communities.

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