Tonight at the KU men’s basketball game against North Carolina, an ottawa man, Dr. Bud Gollier, will be honored at mid court during a time out in the first half of the game, for his military service and career as a doctor. During the recognition, the PA announcer will announce… please welcome to the court Captain Bud Gollier! Captain Gollier served in the United States Air Force from 1967 to 1970. Bud attended the University of Kansas and received his Bachelor of Science in 1962 along with his Doctor of Medicine in 1966.
Bud was assigned to the Army during his tour in Vietnam, where he worked as the Battalion surgeon tending to combat injuries and illnesses among enlisted soldiers. Following his service, he returned to his hometown, Ottawa, Kansas, and spent a 40-year career serving his community as a primary care and family physician. Quite an honor, congratulations Dr. Gollier, and to all veterans everywhere.