January 13, 2025

The City of Ottawa will have a grand celebration tomorrow, November 9th, to honor all the military veterans who have given their time, effort and many, their lives, to keep our great country free and uphold all the rights and privileges that we have today. A ceremony will take place at the Veterans Memorial at 4th and Main tomorrow morning at 10:30. Former City Manager, Richard Nienstedt, served in the Air Force from 1971 to 1975 in Germany and other duty stations across Europe. He says today is a sober reminder of what this country has given up for our freedom:

A parade will be held after the ceremony and end in City Park. Check out the displays on the courthouse lawn. Flanders Poppy Field, a replica of the Vietnam Wall, crosses of those from Franklin County who gave their lives, and much more. Take your kids and grandkids and teach them the importance of remembering our veterans.