Osawatomie city officials say they are in the “home stretch” when it comes to their Pave The Way Project. Friday, November 15th, there were intermittent closures on 6th Street between Lincoln and Brown Avenue to accommodate concrete trucks as they poured the remainder of the travel lanes. Saturday, they poured the concrete at the Parker Avenue intersection. This week, weather permitting they will be pouring concrete at the Brown Avenue intersection and the remainder of the week and through Thanksgiving, concrete is planned for the on-street parking, driveways and sidewalks. The city plans to shut down the Main Street intersection the week of Thanksgiving, or the week of December 2nd, for full reconstruction. Of course, this is all weather dependent.
They say the entire project is 80% complete and they are asking for the public’s patience as they finish up. The total reconstruction project includes utility relocations, road bed improvements and changes to grade, stormwater upgrades, pedestrian enhancements, bicycle infrastructure and streetlight upgrades