The Miami County Sheriff’s office had a role in the arrest and conviction of a major fentanyl dealer in Missouri. Twenty-four year old Tiger Dragoo was convicted in October of being responsible for delivering the fentanyl laced pills to three victims who died after taking the drug in late 2022. The Miami County Sheriff’s office identified a suspect through their investigation of a local overdose and shared the information with Missouri agencies. Miami County Sheriff officials say this type of cooperation demonstrates the value of agencies working together toward a common goal—combating the opioid epidemic and holding those responsible accountable. It also highlights the role of investigators in identifying larger networks and preventing further harm. The fact that this effort led to a conviction shows the effectiveness of such partnerships, providing justice for the victims’ families while also sending a clear message about the serious consequences of distributing dangerous drugs like fentanyl.
Dragoo pled guilty and admitted he distributed fentanyl to all three Missouri victims, leading to their death. Under federal statutes, he is subject to a mandatory minimum sentence of 20 years without parole, up to a sentence of life without parole.