March 6, 2025

We’ve been waiting for a tenant in Proximity Park and in a massive turn of events at the Ottawa City Commission Meeting this morning, after an Executive Session, City Attorney Blaine Finch asked the City Commission to consider a proposal to sell all 300 acres of Proximity Park to Lightfield Energy to construct an energy plant. Company Representative, Billy Sorenson, gave an overview of the project:

Lightfield says they would like to begin construction in 2025, as soon as they can get all the approvals from the City of Ottawa, and estimated to employ 100 people initially, but up to 200 to 300 in future phases, along with construction jobs.

Commissioners call the project a generational decision and that the Lightfield Plant would be around for decades to come. The commission voted unanimously to approve the sale. Expect to hear much more about the sale of Proximity Park in the near future.