Richard Dean (Rick) West, a beloved husband, father, grandfather, brother, and friend, passed away peacefully on December 25, 2024, in Olathe, Kansas. Born on August 10, 1952, in Kansas City, Missouri to Herbert C. and Betty J. West, Rick’s life was marked by love for his family and an unwavering spirit that shone brightly even through the challenges he faced.
Rick grew up in Lee’s Summit and graduated from Lee’s Summit High School in 1970. His family then moved to Pittsburg, KS. It was at Pittsburg State University where he met Bibby Yulich—the love of his life—whom he married on May 18th, 1974. Their journey began together in Kingsville, Texas before they returned to Kansas to raise their family.
Rick embraced fatherhood wholeheartedly as he welcomed three children into the world: DiAnne first graced their lives followed by sons James and Travis. The family created countless memories over more than three decades living in rural Kincaid before moving to Richmond. Rick cherished every moment spent with his wife, children, and grandchildren; nothing brought him greater joy than having them gathered around him.
His career spanned various professions—from working at the Ford dealership in Kingsville, TX, to Klein Tools in Moran, Bauman’s Carpet in Garnett, Modern Exteriors in Emporia, and Russell Stover Candies in Iola. Rick exemplified dedication and hard work until retiring in 2020. He had an innate ability to connect with co-workers and customers alike. He never met a stranger, and made friends wherever he went.
A lifelong fisherman who loved to swap fishing stories with others and always had a great story to tell, Rick found solace near the water while casting lines. He loved to visit the White River in Arkansas or just a local farm pond to “wet a line.” When not fishing, Rick could be found tinkering away happily in his garage or fixing things around the house—a testament to both creativity and resourcefulness that defined him.
Rick was a longtime member of First Baptist Church in Kincaid, KS, where he held many positions within the church. With his wife, he sponsored the church’s youth group for several years and sang in the church choir.
He was preceded in death by his parents, Herbert and Betty West; brother, Michael West; nephew, Mark West; and sister-in-law Barbara West.
Survivors include Rick’s wife, Bibby; his three children, DiAnne Miller, James West, Travis (Racheal) West; his nine grandchildren, Trenton West, Elliot (Abby) Miller, Deven West, Carli Miller, Wyatt West, Elijah West, Maddie West, Jolene West, and Colton West —all who will carry forward the warmth of his spirit.
In addition, Rick leaves behind his brother, Doug West, many cherished brothers- and sisters-in-law, and numerous nieces and nephews whose lives were touched by Rick’s kindness throughout the years.
After nearly two decades bravely battling Multiple Myeloma—a fight characterized not just by struggle but also resilience—Rick leaves behind an indelible mark upon all who knew him. His laughter echoed through gatherings long after his jokes, pranks, or stories faded into memory. Hearts were touched deeply by this remarkable man’s presence here on Earth.
To commemorate his life and the memories we cherish, a visitation and memorial service will be held at Dengel & Son Mortuary, 235 South Hickory Street, Ottawa, KS, 66067 on Friday, January 3, 2025. The family will greet friends at 1:00 PM followed by the memorial service at 2:00 PM. We welcome all who knew him to join us in celebrating the life of a man who was loved deeply and will be missed.