March 14, 2025 10:28:50 AM

January 24, 2025

The past week eyes were on Washington D.C. and the swift actions taken by our President.  He has established a path for states and a constitutional government dealing with illegal immigration, tax reductions, runaway spending, and government efficiencies.  The Kansas Senate is on board with the President.   

Illegal immigration will be debated on the Senate floor January 28; Senate Concurrent Resolution (SCR) 1602, requesting the Governor fully cooperate with federal enforcement of immigration laws.  The opponents cried foul in committee debate because the SCR would support President Trump’s attempts to deport illegals, especially those who continue to break federal and state laws.  Citizens have been put in harm’s way by the open border.  Just ask Mr. Hopkins whose daughter was killed and his granddaughter brutally attacked in Kansas City.  Ask the lady that was attacked by an illegal immigrant near Garnett while riding on a bike trail, or the youth that was violently raped in Topeka by an illegal.  Are the opponents more concerned for the criminals than the victims?

Some of you may remember the illegal immigrants who committed identity theft and were prosecuted.  The Kansas Supreme Court ruled they couldn’t be prosecuted because, in the Court’s opinion, the criminals couldn’t be held accountable for breaking State laws because they had illegally entered the United States and that was a federal issue.  That doesn’t even make sense.  Thankfully, Kansas Attorney General Schmidt took it to the U.S. Supreme Court and the opinion of the Kansas State Supreme Court was rejected.  The three illegal immigrants who stole Social Security numbers and committed identity theft were convicted and Kansas laws were upheld.  It’s past time that federal immigration laws are upheld.

Property Tax will also be debated on the Senate floor next week; Senate Bill (SB) 10 exempting ATVs, electric wheelchairs, golf carts, watercraft and other items from property taxes; and SB 35 repealing the 1.5 mill the state collects in property taxes.  I’ll let you know the results. 

Budget work has begun.  This year the legislature established a new process.  Instead of using the Governor’s proposed budget as a baseline, last year’s budget with all the one-time spending and other reductions will be the baseline.  Let’s hope it helps reign in runaway spending.  According to Legislative Research, State General Fund (SGF) spending increased 7.3% in Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 and 18.1% in FY 2025.  The state FY is from July 1 to June 30 the following year, so FY 2024 is from July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024.  

The Senate Committee On Government Efficiencies (COGE) was established this year.  The Committee is intended to align with President Trump’s plans for an unofficial federal Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE).

All bills, hearings, and floor debates can be found at      

It is an honor and a privilege to serve as your 12th District State Senator.    
