February 14, 2025
The week was slow on the Senate floor in Topeka, but President Trump kept things moving in D.C. Next week things will pick up because it is turnaround. It is the half-way point in session. House bills that were never in an exempt committee will die if they do not pass the House by turnaround. In the Senate, bills that aren’t exempt don’t die, but no more action can be taken on them until next year. For a bill to be exempt it must have been in the Tax, Federal & State Affairs, or Ways and Means committee in the Senate. The House exempt committees are Tax, Federal & State Affairs, or Appropriations. During the week of turnaround, both chambers will be working diligently to pass bills that are non-exempt.
More Election protection is the intent of Senate Bill (SB) 5. It would block wasteful spending by the United States government used to influence elections, such as targeted voter registration. This money has been sometimes referred to as “Bidenbucks”. A couple of years ago, I offered an amendment that blocked third party money that was trying to influence elections procedures, it was referred to as Zuckerbucks. You might remember Mark Zucherburg made donations to election offices trying to influence election procedures. Kansas law now blocks these types of donations from individuals or companies, SB 5 would block federal money trying to influence election results. Federal money provided for election security would still be allowed. It passed on a bipartisan vote 33 to 6. I voted Yes.
Move Over for stopped vehicles displaying hazard warning signal and proceed with caution or you can be fined if SB 5 becomes law. SB 8 passed the Senate unanimously and is on its way to the House.
It is an honor and a privilege to serve as your 12th District State Senator.