Cannabis is by far the most widely used and abused drug listed on the drug enforcement administration’s Schedule I, which includes drugs with a high potential for abuse. However, results of a new study that spanned 44 years, is challenging that and the belief about cannabis and cognition. As a matter of fact, researchers found that regular cannabis users experienced slightly less cognitive decline from early adulthood to late midlife compared to nonusers. These findings suggest that long-tern cannabis use might not impair and could even modestly benefit cognitive aging. Although further research is needed to confirm the results, a groundbreaking Danish study tracked over 5,000 men for 44 years.
While the observed differences were minor and might lack clinical significance, the research opens the door for further exploration of cannabis long-term effects on cognition. But, those of you that are saying “I told you so”… don’t expect to see any changes in the law around here anytime soon.