Garnett City and Anderson County officials discussing the idea of expanding a “Land Bank” from Garnett City Authority to a countywide entity to set about the acquisition of delinquent properties with the aim of returning them to productive and tax paying status.
The City of Garnett formed a Land Bank in May of 2022 after it was discussed for several years and made it a part of the Anderson County Development Agency’s 2020 Strategic Plan, but has not been exercised in any properties. Development Director, Jessica Mills, introduced the idea of expanding the Land Bank to county commissioners on Monday and received a warm reception. City commissioners also appeared to like the idea. Mills says the county has no way to do so and she needs direction on the legal procedure to retool the expansion.
Kansas law allows counties to form Land Banks similarly to municipal organizations through a resolution adopted by county commissioners. City Attorney Terry Solander said the city’s resolution could likely be redrafted to include a county partnership.
Mayor Mark Locke directed the topic to be placed on the agenda for the upcoming city county government meeting.