March 18, 2025 4:48:49 PM

March 14, 2025

High winds and dry conditions resulted in tragedy when a grassfire burned the Yates Center Health and Rehab building and damaged other structures.  Thank you to all the first responders and volunteers who worked to contain the fire and for all the donations to help the good people of Woodson County.  There are drop locations for donations in Parsons, Chanute, and Neodesha.   

Campaign Donations would be prohibited from any foreign national for constitutional amendments if the language in House Bill (HB) 2106 becomes law.  Current law restricts foreign nationals from donating to candidate campaigns, but not for constitutional amendments.  The bill was amended by the Senate Federal and State Affairs Committee to also stop all out-of-state donations.  Instead of debating the change, the Senate Majority Leader made a motion to not accept the committee report, and the motion passed.  Thus, returning the language to the original bill and negating the committee work.  It was disappointing, but we do not want foreigners influencing these Kansas elections so we will take it as a win and continue to work on strengthening campaign laws.  HB 2106 passed the Senate unanimously.

Child Support would be calculated from the date of conception in HB 2062.  The bill would also require the court to consider direct medical and pregnancy-related expenses of the mother.  An amendment offered by a Democrat on the Senate floor during debate would also provide an income tax exemption of $2320 for an unborn child.  It was a surprise amendment that passed overwhelmingly.  Because the bill was amended, it was sent back to the House on a vote of 30 to 9.  The House can concur with the Senate or call for a conference committee to work out the differences.  I voted Yes.

Next week there are only two days left for regular committee meetings.  Then all legislative work will be on the floor and in conference committees.  Conference committees are temporary joint committees assigned to work out the differences between the Senate-passed version and the House-passed version of a bill.  Usually, the chairman, vice-chairman, and the ranking member of a standing committee are assigned to the conference committee.  The six-member conference committee, three from each chamber, works to reconcile differences.  If the differences can be worked out, a conference committee report is sent to a chamber, based on the originating chamber, to vote.  If it passes, it is sent to the other chamber for a vote.   

It is an honor and a privilege to serve as your 12th District State Senator.    
