OSAGE CITY — The Osage City Council will discuss a proposed ordinance that will...
New or Noteworthy Information, especially about recent or important events.
OTTAWA–Ottawa police are investigating a large number of cases where someone broke out car...
TOPEKA–The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Plant will stay open under a new contract ratified...
WELLSVILLE–If street crews in Wellsville need to put salt down this winter, they may...
GARNETT–Sales tax receipts for Garnett and Anderson County have dropped fairly dramatically compared with...
EDGERTON–The Kansas Department of Transportation has applied for a 50 million dollar federal grant...
The father of a teenager killed at the intersection of U.S. Highway 75 and...
The Central Heights School Library wants to expand its selection with more and newer...
It’s called electronic journalism…and that’s what the Ottawa High School paper will be…all on-line....