October 22, 2024

GARNETT — The new Anderson County law enforcement center will open in Garnett in the next few weeks and officials are getting ready. Garnett businessman Bob Wedel will be the new head jailer, succeeding long-time head jailer John Hawes who decided to step down to a jailer position in the new facility. Wedel, whose company manufactures furniture, told the Anderson County Review his experience in management and computers will help the jail and the sheriff’s department. Sheriff Scot Brownrigg said he needs to hire three jail matrons to allow the jail to have 24-hour coverage for women inmates. It it will take less than a week to train jailers to run the high-tech facility, he said. I would take about a month to move all of the county’s inmates to the new jail, he said. In addition to the jail, the law enforcement center will also house the sheriff’s department, the 911 emergency dispatch center and the emergency preparedness office.

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