October 18, 2024

OTTAWA — The enrollment period for Medicare Part D is now open through Dec. 31. Caren Rugg, East Central Kansas Area Agency on Aging, said you should enroll as possible to ensure that your prescription drug coverage is available on Jan. 1. If you need to make changes, it’s best to do now rather than try to untangle it when the deadline is near, she said. You can check the web site www.medicare.gov or check with the East Central Kansas Area Agency on Aging in Ottawa. If you’re not comfortable with computers, you should talk to your grandchild or to the agency on aging. Part D refers to prescription drug coverage and you must pay pay premiums for the coverage. She said plans can be different and in some cases, the state says that some plans are being dropped, so you should check all your available options. Rugg discussed Medicare and other issues concerning seniors in Sunday morning’s Community Perspective, KOFO’s weekly public affairs news program.

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