March 6, 2025

GARNETT — The starting line for area senior citizens to enroll in the Medicare prescription drug program is earlier than in past years. Leslea Rockers, of the East Central Kansas Area Agency on Aging told the Anderson County Review that open enrollment for Medicare Part D coverage has been bumped up a month. Enrollment begins Oct. 15 and ends Dec. 7 for coverage that begins Jan. 1. The earlier start is designed to make sure the correct plans and medications are available, she said. It’s important that people enroll on time, because the program does not allow for late enrollment except under very strict exemptions, she said. Everyone should review their plans rather than rely on rolling over this year’s coverage, she said. Most plans tend to change each year, and some may not be suitable next year, she said. “It’s not wise for people to sit back and do nothing,” Rockers said. “Just because a plan works for your friends or neighbors does not mean it will work for you. It’s all based on your medication.” The earlier deadline also means people who have discussed medication changes with their physicians need to make sure the new prescriptions are covered by their 2012 plan, she said. For more information, call Rockers at (785) 242-7200 or 1-800-633-5621. Much of the information and the enrollment can be done on-line at the Medicare plan finder site on However, that site has not yet been updated for 2012, she said.
Monday, Sept. 26, 9:30 a.m.

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