PAOLA — Angry protestors have raised more than $9,500 for the Miami County Health Department to provide family planning services and contraceptives to low-income residents. The action came after protests and after the Miami County commission decided last month on two split votes not to include money for family planning to match the health department’s application for public health funds from the state. The vote would have ended family planning services but also threatened other public health funding from the state. The Miami County Republic reported the money came from at least 100 donors from all backgrounds and from both Democrats and Republicans. After Miami County counselor David Heger told them that they could take the donattions, all of the county commissioners unanimously agreed recently to accept the funding and include family planning in the health department’s application for state grants. The Republic reported that the vote drew applause from the audience, but spokeswoman Denise German, Louisburg told them the issue isn’t over and that the commissioners’ votes won’t be forgotten. The county’s action was inexcusable, she said.
Monday, April 9, 10 a.m.