Anderson County was awarded $113,700 through the United States Department of Agriculture Community Facilities Grant Program, for the purchase of a new fire engine. This program provides affordable funding to develop essential community facilities in rural areas. A 2021 Freightliner/Rosenbauer Pumper Truck was purchased through Hays Fire and Rescue Sales/Service, based in Hays. The new apparatus is assigned to the Station at Garnett that covers rural areas. It replaced a 22 year old truck that will be transferred to one of the other stations served by Anderson County Fire and Rescue.
The Grant covered 35% of the $324,000 truck, the County picked up the rest. Anderson County Emergency Management Director, J. D. Mersman says he thanks the Anderson County Board of County Commissioners for their support and forward thinking on this upgrade, as well as Michael Billings, area Specialist in Rural Development for USDA for his guidance on the application.
We’ll discuss the new truck received by the Garnett Fire Department tomorrow.