Even though the half cent sales tax charge in retail goods sold in the City of Garnett saw an overall decrease, according to figures released for April, Anderson County’s retail sales are running slightly ahead for the year.
Figures released by the Kansas Department of Revenue showing sales tax distributions to local taxing entities in April, reflect sales made in February, tax for which was paid by retailers in March and distributed to localities the following month. Year-to-date figures also reflect actual sales made two months prior. The April figures show Garnett tax payments down 3% to $19,394 and with a year-to-date loss of 1.2% to $85,890. In comparison, Anderson County, which adds a 1.5% tax to local sales, showed a 2.6% loss month over month, but came in with a 5.5% increase in 2021 over the calendar year at just over $418,000.