The next Kansas Works, Virtual Job Fair, which will focus on state agency job openings, will take place from 8:00 to 5:00 tomorrow, Wednesday, June 22, 2022. The virtual job fair will highlight full-time employment, part-time employment and internships within many of the state’s 98 government agencies. There are currently 863 job openings in state government across Kansas.
Registration is required for participation in the virtual job fair, regardless of previous participation. Job=seekers can also find a job seeker training video. A list of participating employers and channels for attendees to register and log in. Participants are encouraged to dress professionally, as employers might request to conduct a video interview during the virtual job fair.
To register, go to “KANSASWORKS.COM,” and click the registration link. The online job fairs allow those looking for work to fill out applications, chat live and interview virtually with participating agencies.