October 23, 2024

The Kansas Highway Patrol has released its Independence Day Holiday Report. The reporting period ran from 6:00 Friday evening to midnight Monday night. The KHP reports that they handled one fatal, non DUI related crash over the holiday. There were 18 DUI arrests, about the same as last year. Speeding citations were up nearly 50% from last year. Also up significantly from last year were adult seat belt warnings and citations, with child restraint citations up slightly.

Officials contribute some of the speeding issues to the pandemic. People have not been on the road as much the last couple years, so those who were on the road say open highway tended to make them drive faster. The trend continued this year, but troopers, knowing there would be more people on the road, were looking for speeders even more. Here are a couple basic rules for the road… slow down and never drink and drive. You never know who’s life you are going to effect, and it definitely could be your own.

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