October 23, 2024

A lot of times, the news is almost depressing, with talk about all the negative things going on in the world these day. Today, another story that will make you feel good about humanity, or at least parts of it. The second installment of… The KOFO Good People Award:

An avid listener called and told a story of a man she considers an angel, sent from Jesus, because without him, she would not have made it home. Joann Hamilton was walking out of Walgreens with a sack of groceries, when the wheel on her walker fell off. She attempted to put it back on, but it fell off again. That’s when her angel stepped in. A man in a truck pulled up and asked if she needed help. She told him she did. He looked at it, took tools out of his truck and repaired her walker, putting a bolt in where the missing and broken part was.

Joann heavily thanked him and said he wouldn’t take anything for his service. He was just glad he could help. She didn’t catch his name, but wanted to thank him publicly for what he did for her–like she said, an angel from Jesus.

KOFO would like to salute this man for going above and beyond, to step up and help someone in need. Sir, the world needs more people like you. Thank you!

If you know someone like this man, that deserves recognition, give us a call at KOFO, or send us a letter explaining why and we will make sure they receive the recognition they deserve.

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