October 23, 2024

Early in June, a hero saved three children from burning car, and now he is being recognized by the Kansas Highway Patrol for his actions.

On June 6th, Sean James from Texas, was traveling on the Kansas Turnpike, north of Emporia, when he saw a vehicle crash head on into a tree and burst into flames. He stopped and ran to help. He was able to pull three children, ages 2, 5 and 8 from the vehicle as the fire raged. Unfortunately, the children’s mother could not be saved. Before EMS arrived, James, a retired combat medic, gave medical aid to the eight year old who had a life-threatening laceration on his forehead. James later had to be treated for smoke inhalation. His quick and heroic actions saved three young lives. He did not hesitate to assist those in need, putting himself in danger to save them.

For his actions that day, the Kansas Highway Patrol has named him an Honorary Trooper. Superintendent of the Patrol, Colonel Herman T. Jones, says Mr. James showed great courage and they applaud his quick thinking and valiant actions that helped the lives of others.

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