October 23, 2024

The City of Garnett will propose a $15.5 million Budget for 2023, at a hearing set for August 9th, in order to give the public a chance for input. Next year’s City Budget reflects an increase from an estimate of $13.2 million in 2022. This increase is mainly due to nearly $600,000 in City commitment for the $1.6 million K-DOT Street Storm Water Drainage Project, and repairs at the Cedar Valley Reservoir Spillway, costing $645,000.

The new Revenue Neutral aspect of public budgeting adjusts the Mill Levy per the coming year’s property valuation to generate the same amount of tax money as the previous year; which means city property owners’ property taxes should be largely unaffected by budget changes. Local governments can exceed their Revenue Neutral rates, but only after going through an extensive notification and public meetings process to adequately advise property owners of the impact of the increase.

The August 9th Budget Hearing is set for 6:00 in the evening at Garnett City Hall

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