GARNETT — If you live in Anderson County and think you’ve been getting more...
New or Noteworthy Information, especially about recent or important events.
OTTAWA — Outgoing county appraiser Steve Brown said his office tries to ensure that...
OTTAWA — State and local officials are asking for help in solving an arson...
OTTAWA — County planner Larry Walrod said Wednesday the state is cutting back the...
TOPEKA — The first case of H1N1 swine flu was confirmed yesterday in Jefferson...
OTTAWA — The state fire marshal’s office said Tuesday’s house fire was the result...
OTTAWA — Franklin County government marked a milestone this morning. After three county administrators,...
OTTAWA – Franklin County hosted a reception for appraiser Steve Brown Wednesday afternoon. Brown...
ARGICOLA — Three people from Williamsburg were injured Tuesday afternoon in a one-vehicle accident...
MANHATTAN — Larry Moeder, a director of student financial assistance at Kansas State said...