OTTAWA — You can feel blue next week. But Sara Caylor of the Court-Appointed...
GARNETT — Garnett’s new mayor is insurance agent Chris Maynard. He was elected by...
LeLOUP – An explosion of a house at LeLoup Tuesday should be a reminder...
OTTAWA — Blake Jorgensen will be sworn in as Ottawa’s new mayor. Gene Ramsey,...
OTTAWA — Franklin County pets as well as people have been affected by the...
OTTAWA — Kansas Secretary of State Ron Thornburgh will be the speaker for Ottawa’s...
POMONA — A Pomona-area farmer found something more than soybeans in one of his...
OTTAWA – If the city streets start cracking up, the city will be attentive....
OTTAWA – County commissioners decided to change their rules that will allow the public...
OTTAWA – Franklin County Commissioners will ask for economic stimulus money for three road...