October 7, 2024

OTTAWA — An Arkansas man was taken to Overland Park Regional Medical Center late Sunday night when his SUV rolled over several times on U.S. 59 near Princeton. Kyle Clemons, 18, Jonesboro, Ark., swerved to miss a deer and lost control of his vehicle, the Franklin County Sheriff’s Department said. His accident was one of several involving deer during the holiday weekend. Renee Halley of Olathe hit a deer southwest of Ottawa as she was driving north on I-35 Sunday night. John Niccum, Princeton, was driving on U.S. 59 at Hamilton Road when a deer ran into the side of his pickup Sunday morning. Sharron Oswalt, Williamsburg, was driving on cloud road when she hit a deer near Tennessee Road on Thanksgiving. Kristin Bien hit a deer on K-68 just east of Ottawa on Thanksgiving. None of the other drivers were injured. State Trooper Edna Butler said this is the time of the year to be especially watchful for deer. Woody areas, streams, low areas and roads marked with the deer crossing signs are prime spots for deer on roadways, she said.

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