February 7, 2025

OTTAWA — An Ottawa man says he’s a candidate for the U.S. Senate seat held by Sam Brownback. Stan Wiles, a Democrat, said his top priorities will be the economy and employment and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He said as a U.S. senator, he would work on the high unemployment rate by aggressively contacting and pushing industries, especially the aircraft industries to hire more. The U.S. should give top priority to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a way to bring stability to the Middle East and countering the appeal of Islamic fundamentalists, he said. Wiles has written a book on Israeli and Palestinian relations. U.S. representatives Jerry Moran and Tod Tiahrt are seeking the Republican nomination and have raised millions. Wiles said he’s starting a new Web site that will serve as a major way to raise funds for his senatorial campaign. It’s not Wiles’ first foray into politics – he challenged then-Congressman Jim Ryun several years ago.

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