October 23, 2024

BALDWIN CITY–On Wednesday a Douglas County judge ordered a Baldwin City man to face trial for a July 15th incident in which a Lawrence bicyclist was left injured. Defendant Scott A. Young pleaded not guilty to charges of aggravated battery, criminal damage, reckless driving, failure to report an accident and leaving the scene of an injury accident. During the preliminary hearing, two Lawrence bicyclists recalled the incident, saying that an angry drive drove up from behind them and yelled obscenities, then Young swerved over and struck Rob Wilshusen, who fell to the side of the road. Wilshusen suffered abrasions to his shoulder, back, and hip. Young did admit to exchanging words with the bicyclists but did not recall striking any of the riders. Young’s attorney, Rick Frydman, argued that the damage to Wilshusen’s bike and equipment is less than $1,000, which would drop the count to a misdemeanor. Young’s trial is scheduled on February 28th.

Friday, November 12, 8:54 am

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