October 23, 2024

OTTAWA — Soon, the ride will cost you more. Franklin County commissioners agreed this morning to a recommendation to raise ambulance rates next year. County EMS director Nick Robbins says he did a survey of ambulance rates across the state and the area and the county’s rates are below those of many ambulance services, including most in the area. The Franklin County rates haven’t changed in four years, he said. Miami County’s rates were the same as Franklin County’s but Robbins said he expected that county’s rates to increase next year, too. Commissioner Ed Taylor asked why rates hadn’t increased in four years, and said it would be better to review rates on a more regular basis. County administrator Lisa Johnson said that the county had delayed because of several changes in Medicare and Medicaid rules and reimbursements over the last few years. An emergency call now costs $475. The new emergency call rate would be $525.
Wednesday, Dec. 29, 3 p.m.

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