LAWRENCE- Lawrence manufacturer Sauer-Danfoss announced today that they will cut ten to fifteen percent of their...
New or Noteworthy Information, especially about recent or important events.
KANSAS- The infant death rate in Kansas fell slightly in 2008, but still viewed...
OTTAWA- The Ottawa Municipal Airport has all the wreckage and damage cleaned up from...
KANSAS- Kansas unemployment in June reached the highest point since March1983, causing the state...
OTTAWA — It’s fair time. The 144th annual Franklin County Fair and Rodeo is...
OTTAWA — Because of changes in the federal disaster rules, last week’s downburst may...
OTTAWA — Not only was Kevin Ledom, Ottawa, bitten by his own dog Wednesday...
TOPEKA — A new case of the H1N1 swine flu was confirmed in Rawlins...
GARNETT — The Anderson County Commission could withdraw from the SEK Multi-County Health Department...
OTTAWA — Ottawa school superintendent Dean Katt said he hopes a series of job...