GARNETT — Anderson County has been getting pelted with a lot of rain since...
OTTAWA — An architectural study has recommended that Franklin County build a new juvenile...
OTTAWA — The Franklin County Red Cross blood drive will be noon to 6...
OTTAWA – Franklin County commissioners remain skeptical of a state grant program that encourages...
KANSAS CITY — A Kansas City, Mo., man was convicted in federal court Monday...
OTTAWA — Two Ottawa students from ECKAN’s Youth in Government program went to Washington...
EUDORA — An 18-year-old Wellsville man was taken to the Kansas University Hospital as...
GARNETT — The Garnett swimming pool will open Saturday. The pool will be open...
CENTRAL HEIGHTS — Forty-six graduates were honored at commencement exercises at Central Heights High...
POMONA — Fifty-five seniors graduated from West Franklin High School this year in the...